Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST
Snellville, GA 30078
A national team of 100 subject matter experts committed to your success.
To close the wealth equity gap for small businesses in the U.S. To help 10% of current failing businesses in the U.S. to thrive by 2027.
A culmination of over 30 years of business coaching and consulting, 1,400 businesses helped through direct support, four national focus groups, over 300 mastermind groups, over 50 national verticals on hot topics and industry trends.
We have taken the time to discover the gaps in small business growth through focus groups, 1:1 coaching and consulting, intensive, workshops, and scholarly commentaries to determine how we can better help the 94% of businesses in the United States who struggle month-to-month and year-to-year to make ends meet.
We found 4 critical paths that must be addresses to close the wealth equity gap:
-There is a need for more ethnically diverse group growth opportunities – while we understand the value in participating in groups that are culturally and racially made up of the same people, we also see the value in an “all rise up together model” to break down racial and equity barriers.
-Funding and capital opportunities are still too narrowly focused and often leads to irreparable personal finance damage – we embrace educating business owners on how to build business credit and cash flow that is not attached to personal credit or guarantees.
-Peer-to-peer advisories are limited to the subject matter expertise of the members – we value peer influence, support, and referrals; however, we provide access to our members to a vast subject matter pool of expertise offering a solution-focused model.
-Christian business owners have very limited mastermind options – we discovered that only 2% of owners who identify as running a Christian business have access to a mastermind. Our mastermind accelerators are Christian focused because we believe God has already provided every principal for success.
We take away the pain of operating successful businesses by deploying strategies through our mastermind accelerator groups that allow owners to hit and exceed critical revenue goals.
We are blessed to be part of the journey of our members and to witness success worthy of great testimonies to the power of God.
Over the last 30 years we have helped hundreds of clients disrupt business as usual and curate sustainable change.
If these pain points, resonate with you, don’t miss our next ultimate virtual event – book a session to receive an invitation HERE
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